Epic Core has 200+ non-pay-to-win perks that your players can donate for. This is a list of all of sellable permissions broken down by category.

🤑 230+ Chat Perks

Join, Quit, & Death Packs

Packs that contain custom Join, Quit, & Death messages. Each pack can include multiple join, quit, or death messages that are randomly selected. Plus, you can remove, edit, or add your own!

Text & Nickname Colors

Give your players the ability to customize their chat text color, nickname color, or accent color. Accent color is used for status message, icons, announcer packs, and the : chat separator. Plus, you can remove, edit, or add your own!

Chat Icons

Special characters that appear to the right, left, or both sides of the player’s name. Each location has it’s own permission that players could donate to access. Plus, you can remove, edit, or add your own!


Quick commands that allow players to express how they feel. Plus, you can remove, edit, or add your own!

Rank Tags

Simple chat [tags] that show before a player’s name. Plus, you can remove, edit, or add your own!

Flex Command

Lets players brag about player stats or placeholder information. Plus, you can remove, edit, or add your own!

🤑 Plus wayyyyyy more

Earn more donations by offering unlimited homes, beezooka, or trash. The possibilities are endless!
