Preparing for the Import

  1. Remove Essentials and CMI .jar files
    1. Leave the Essentials and/or CMI data folder
  2. Open Settings/Modules.yml and change migrate: false to migrate: true
  3. Restart (or start) your server to enable the module
  4. Be OP or give yourself the ecore.admin.migrate permission
  5. You are now ready to run the migrate module

Importing Homes

This will allow you to transfer all of your player’s previous homes into Epic Core. If a player already has a home with the same name on Epic Core, then it won’t be imported.

  1. Run the command
    1. Essentials /migrate essentials homes
    2. CMI /migrate cmi homes
  2. Follow any instructions
    1. Migration status will be shown in game. Full details will be shown in the server console.
  3. That’s it! The migration module should handle almost everything automatically.

<aside> <img src="/icons/light-bulb_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/light-bulb_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> Once completed the player homes will be available to use immediately.


Importing Players

This transfers a player’s nickname, economy balance, mute status, last known username, last login, and last log off time.

  1. Run the command
    1. Essentials /migrate essentials players
    2. CMI /migrate cmi players

<aside> <img src="/icons/light-bulb_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/light-bulb_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> The default option only imports new players that don’t already exist in Epic Core. If you want to replace all Epic Core player data with imported data you will need to follow use these commands:

  1. Follow any instructions
    1. Migration status will be shown in game. Full details will be shown in the server console.
  2. That’s it! The migration module should handle almost everything automatically.